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What we have to offer 

Speech, Language, and Swallowing Therapy

Speech-Language Pathologists (ST or SLP) diagnose and treat speech, language, communication, and swallowing disorders, as well as provides training and education to family/caregivers.  Common skills ST can help with include expressive-receptive language, speech sound disorders, fluency or stutter, preliteracy skills, cognition, and feeding/swallowing.  Some of the specialty areas consist of Beckman Oral Motor, Alternative Communication, and Apraxia Intervention. 


Physical Therapy 

Physical Therapy (PT) focuses on the needs and challenges of children with various conditions and disabilities. Physical therapists use their knowledge and skills to help children improve their mobility, function, strength, balance, coordination, and motor skills. They also provide education and support to families and caregivers on how to promote the child's development and well-being. Some of the specialty areas that we can provide are serial casting and pediatric pelvic health which includes constipation.


Occupational Therapy 

Occupational Therapy (OT) is geared toward improving a child's participation and independence with activities of daily living, including dressing, bathing, feeding, toileting, and more. Common skills OT can help with include fine motor, visual motor, visual perception, upper body strengthening, activity endurance, picky eating and oral motor, self-feeding, executive functioning, sensory processing, and socialization. OT treatment may include activity/equipment modification, skill training, and compensatory strategies.

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